Couples can easily forget to take care of their relationship over time because they are too busy with their everyday tasks,
like raising a family, keeping house, working, gardening and weekend sport for kids.

Life can seem like a whirlwind of constant “doing”. 

Over time, this creates disconnection and a lack of closeness between you, which will directly impact your intimacy.

Being sympathetic to your partner’s needs and feelings comes first and foremost. Recognize that each person has unique ways of showing their love and admiration. It’s important to talk to your lover, learn their love language and love them in that way. Doing this allows you to work together to meet each other’s needs, which will deepen your connection, bring you closer and feel more loved.

Here are some practical tips that can help you rekindle intimacy in a long-term relationship:

Spend Quality Time Together
Make time to spend quality time with each other alone. Make time for romantic evenings, weekend trips, or even a short stroll around the park. The idea is to establish a setting that allows you to concentrate on one another and enjoy each other’s presence without interruptions.

Communicate Openly
Any healthy relationship is built on communication. Spend some time truly communicating your feelings to your mate. Share your aspirations and vulnerabilities without fear. If you want to learn more about how to communicate in a safe and vulnerable way, where you feel heard, understood and are able to find real solutions together, check outThe Communication Cure program

Show Affection
Holding hands, cuddling, or kissing each other are simple but effective ways to rekindle intimacy. These actions can evoke certain emotions.

Try New Things
An excellent method to rekindle the romance is to try new activities together. Take a dance lesson, explore a new interest, or even organize a trip. A sense of adventure and tighter bonding might result from doing something novel and thrilling.

Be Spontaneous
Surprise your partner with a kind act or a last-minute date. It doesn’t have to be extravagant; a small act of kindness can show your lover that you care.

In conclusion, rekindling intimacy in a long-term relationship requires effort and commitment from both partners. It’s essential to be empathetic, communicate openly, show affection, try new things, and be spontaneous. Remember, a healthy relationship takes work, but the rewards are worth it.

And most of all have fun together.